Lawn Care
Lawn Mowing
The secret to keeping a great lawn is frequent mowing, watering and good fertilizer. All garden owners yearn for that lush green grass, but in order to keep a lawn like that takes a lot of meticulous care, and most people end up leaving their lawn to grow out of hand because of all the trouble of keeping it so nice. When one neglects their lawn, the weed sprouts and spreads seeds making for more weed, which then heats and allows for the infestation of pests to occur. However, lawn mowing that has been done with care leaves for a lush beautiful lawn that you never grow tired of looking at. Frequent lawn mowing lets the lawn grow sideways not upwards which not only leads to a better looking tight-nit finish but also blocks weeds from mixing into the lawn too.
Top-dressing is effective for promoting germination and rooting as well as playing a role in the repair of an uneven lawn. If you top-dress your lawn during the germination period in Spring, you can enhance the germination process which leads to a better-quality lawn. With top-dressing, each grass blade gains a finer texture allowing it to go from a desiccated state to a more dense and healthy state for a better-looking lawn. Also, with the use of top-dressing, it is possible to fill out any uneven parts of the lawn, or parts with holes making for an even, flat lawn. You can also use top-dressing on certain pin-points of your lawn to revive withered grass or dented patches. Think of top-dressing as just one aspect in the maintenance of your lawn. We at Zen will be more than happy to choose the right top-dressing soil for you and apply it with the right thickness to meet your goals.
Aeration is when you put a hole in the lawn to feed air to it, help the drainage process and also revitalize the roots. Walking on a lawn can after many years of being stepped on and compacted in caused the soil beneath to become hard which causes problems for growth and can even lead to the grass dying and becoming just a dirt patch. This is where Aeration becomes handy, by opening a whole in the lawn the soil unstiffens and loosens to enable air to reach the roots making for better ventilation and drainage and an overall much better-looking lawn. Also, cutting the root of the grass allows for lots of smaller roots to grow though which has a revitalizing effect on the lawn as a whole. In addition, the added ventilation caused by aeration helps prevent disease and moss from forming in the lawn. Aeration is just as important as fertilizer in maintaining a healthy lush lawn.
When you want some space in your garden for your children and pets to play in, or maybe just a little bit more greenery, or when the soil is poking out and gets all soggy when it rains, we recommend you turf your garden. With turf you can build a comfortable garden that feels natural, has a soft touch, helps moderate hot and cold weather, as well as having that lush green look. In order to grow a healthy lawn, appropriate construction with regular management are crucial alongside taking into account the quality of soil and sunlight.
Lawn replacement
For those unhealthy weed infested lawns that you tried to fix but with no avail, we recommend replacing your lawn. In most cases the reason for those types of bad lawns, is poor soil and drainage leading to poor growth. When a lawn withers once, returning it to a healthy condition can be very difficult. When the reason for the withering is due to pests and bacteria, leaving it can cause the damage to spread to other surrounding plants/trees so we recommend a speedy replacement of your lawn.
Lawn weeding
Leaving your lawn uncared for leads to the spread of weeds and before you know it your lawn is infested with weeds. The secret to keeping your lawn in good condition is to regularly and thoroughly check and care for it. We can weed your garden by pulling each weed out by hand or by using lawn-friendly weed-killer, please inquire within.
Regularly fertilizing your lawn is just one important part of taking care of it and is also the secret to keeping your lawn lush and healthy. In addition, a regularly fertilized lawn is stronger against dryness, and when it hasn’t rained for a while, unlike unfertilized lawns which can go brown, the fertilized lawn stays healthier for longer.
Yearly Management
If you regularly manage your garden, even that troublesome lawnmowing that you keep putting off will become something you don’t forget anymore, and you can keep your lawn healthy and tidy looking. We will keep your lawn at an optimum height with tidy edges.